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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of residential property in Logrono, district La Rioja

starting price: € 130680
area: 79.0 m2

This real estate auction consists of the sale of a house or first floor interior left in Logroño, located on Calle Doctor Múgica number 22. The property has a constructed area of seventy-seven meters and ninety square decimeter. The house includes all its outbuildings and its boundaries are as follows: to the east, inner courtyard and stair box; to the north, the right interior floor and stair box; to the south, house of Don Teófilo Azofra; and to the west, apple patio. The share of the property is 3%. As regards the auction procedure, the parties concerned should follow the instructions provided by the government agency responsible for the auction. Deadlines will be set for submitting bids and a public bid will be made where participants will be able to make their bids for the property. The auction process will be governed by the established regulations and the buyer offering the highest amount within the established parameters will be the successful tenderer of the housing.

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