This real estate auction corresponds to a storage room located in Avda. de Valvanera, 1 -2 17, in Cinderero, La Rioja. The storage room is located in basement 2, with square number 17, and has a useful area of 4.56 m2. Its borders are the corridor to the front, another storage room (number 18) to the right, another storage room (number 16) to the left, and the boundary of the premises to the back. 100% of the full domain is offered by rectification title. The auction procedure implies that interested parties must submit their tenders in closed form at the address and time indicated by the responsible body. Offers must include the personal data of the bidder, the price offered and any other documentation required. Once the deadline for submission of tenders has expired, the envelopes will be opened and the storeroom awarded to the bidder with the best economic proposal.
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