This real estate auction includes a garage space located on Av. Marcelo Celayeta 35, basement 2, in Pamplona. The parking space is marked with number 84 and is located in the second basement of the building on the plot 3.1-3.2 on Marcelo Celayeta Avenue. It has a useful surface of fifteen meters and two square decimeters. It is bordered by square 85 on the right, the emergency staircase box on the left, the subsoil of public vials on the back and the bearing area on the front. The share in common elements is zero integers and three hundred twenty-nine thousandths integers. As for the auction procedure, it will be organised by a Spanish government agency. Those interested in participating in the auction must comply with the requirements established by the body, such as submitting a deposit or deposit in order to be able to participate. The auction shall be conducted in a public and transparent manner, where participants may make their tenders in writing or in person on the day designated for the auction. Once the auction has been concluded, the good will be awarded to the bidder who has made the highest bid, provided that it meets all the established conditions.
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