This real estate auction refers to lot 5, which includes a 10698 registered estate located in Pamplona. This is a parking space marked with the number 09 in basement 2 of the building number 37 on Avenida de Pamplona, in the jurisdiction of Pamplona. The parking space has a useful surface area of 24.36 square meters, including the proportional part on the roads and ramps. The nice parking space on the front with the rolling area, on the right with the parking space 08, on the left with the parking space 010, and on the bottom with the parking space 35. In addition, it has a share in common building elements of 0.100%. This property is located in polygon 4, plot 2764, sub-urban area 1, urban unit 266. With regard to the auction procedure, the auction will be conducted in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge. Interested parties must comply with the requirements and deadlines set for participating in the auction, presenting the necessary guarantees and following the steps indicated to make the tenders. Once the auction has been concluded, the lot shall be awarded to the bidder who has submitted the highest bid, provided that it meets the established conditions.
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