This real estate auction corresponds to the Registro Finca 4694 de Milagro, registered in Volume 2049 Book 110 Folio 169 Registration 3a of the Registry of the Property of Tafalla. It is the plot 524 of polygon 2 of the Cadastre. The property is located in an area of Miracle and is registered with all the details mentioned. The auction procedure shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations established by the government agency in charge. Those interested in participating must comply with the required requirements, such as providing an economic guarantee, complying with the deadlines set and following the established bidding process. During the auction, the participants will be able to make their bids for the property, increasing the base price of departure according to the rules of the auction. Once the bidding process has been completed, the bidder who has made the highest offer will become the new owner of Milagro's Regulative Finca 4694, as long as it meets all the stipulated conditions. It is important that those interested in participating in this real estate auction be properly informed about the characteristics of the property, the requirements for participating in the auction and the process to be followed to ensure successful participation.
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