Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Rural property

Auction sale of rural property property in Milagro, district Navarra

starting price: € 4235
area: N/A

This real estate auction refers to a registered property located in Milagro, with the number 3467, registered in Volume 2049, Book 110, Folio 139, with the registration 2a in the Registry of the Property of Tafalla. It is the plot 548 of polygon 2 of the Cadastre. The property is located in a specific area of Miracle and has a detailed description in the official records. The auction of this property will be carried out according to the regulations and procedures established by the government agency in charge, in order to guarantee the transparency and legality of the process. Those interested in participating in the auction shall comply with the requirements and follow the instructions provided by the organising entity in order to be able to bid for this particular property.

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