This real estate auction corresponds to the second floor Letra C, destined for housing, located hand front-left exiting the elevator on the second upper floor of portal 1 in the West Block. In addition, as an attached linked element, it includes a garage space number 91 located on the basement floor on level 1 below the rasante, and a storage room number 7 located on the ground floor of the building Block West, portal 1. The apartment has a specific layout and is located in a specific location within the building. The auction procedure implies that it will be carried out through the relevant governmental entity, where the conditions and requirements to participate in the auction will be established. Interested parties may submit their tenders in accordance with the established guidelines, and a transparent and regulated process will be followed for the award of the property. It is important to keep abreast of the deadlines, the necessary documents and any other relevant information to participate in the auction in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the regulations in force.
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