Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of garage property in Berriozar, district Navarra

starting price: € 10000
area: N/A

This real estate auction organized by the Spanish public agency includes the description of an urban property, namely Parking Square No 1. According to the edict, the parking space is located in an urban area, possibly in an underground garage or in an apartment building. The detailed description of the property would include information such as the dimensions of the parking space, its exact location within the building, if it has any type of restricted access or security measures, and any other relevant features for potential auction participants. As regards the auction procedure, this could involve the submission of tenders by interested parties, which must comply with certain requirements laid down by the public body. These requirements could include the submission of a security or financial guarantee, participation in a face-to-face or virtual bid, and compliance with specific deadlines for making the corresponding payments in case of winning the auction. It is important for auction participants to be familiar with the process and conditions established by the public body in order to avoid any inconvenience during the acquisition process.

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