This real estate auction corresponds to lot 237636L1, which consists of a registered estate number 25306. This is a detached house located in Torre-Pacheco. The property consists of two floors with attached garage, antegarden and interior patio, located in Calle Agustín Lara, number 12 in Torre Pacheco, on a plot of 194,00 m2. According to the electronic headquarters of the cadastre, the exact address is CL AGUSTIN LARA 12 VIV. UNIFAMILIAR; C.P. 30700 TORRE-PACHECO. The house has on the ground floor a living-dining room, kitchen, pantry, laundry room, toilet, two bedrooms, one of them with bathroom and dressing room. On the first floor is a living room, bathroom and two bedrooms. The total useful area of the building adding all its plants and components is 172.88 m2. The rest of the area not occupied by the building is destined to courtyard and antegarden.
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