This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 226146L1, registered estate 25126. This is a single-family house located in San Javier. It is a house on the ground floor, type I, that is part of Block II, twenty-fifth from right to left, in the Urbanización Los Pozuelos, in Badajoz street. The cadastral address is CL MAJAHONDA 50, C.P. 30720 SAN JAVIER. The built area of the house is 33.63 m2. The property is located in the municipality of San Javier, in the district of La Calavera. As regards the auction procedure, it shall be carried out through the electronic platform authorised by the competent body. Those interested in participating must comply with the established requirements and provide the necessary guarantees. The auction shall be conducted in a public and transparent manner, in accordance with the regulations in force. Once the auction has been concluded, the highest bidder must pay the corresponding amount and formalise the purchase within the prescribed time limits.
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