This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 219084L03, with land registration 62506. It is a warehouse or industrial warehouse of 82 m2 located in San Javier. The building is destined for storage, consists of a single nave without interior distribution and is located in the Los Zapatas Park, in the municipality of San Javier. The initial area of the building was 163.73 m2, of which 82.24 m2 have been segregated, leaving a remainder undetermined according to the Register of 81.49 m2. The cadastral address is CL Málaga 1(B) Es:1 Pl:00 Pt:01 Soelo, C.P. 30730 San Javier. With regard to the auction procedure, it is reported that the cadastral reference 0064102XG9806C0001MK contained in the Property Registry and in the valuation expert report appears in the name of third parties. It is mentioned that the correct cadastral reference can be the 0064108XG9806C0001IK, which appears in the name of the defendant in the cadastre. It is important to take this correction into account when participating in the auction to avoid legal confusion. In short, an 82 m2 industrial warehouse or warehouse is auctioned in San Javier, with a specific location and detailed features. In addition, relevant information is provided on the correction in the cadastral reference to ensure transparency in the auction process.
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