This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 233860L29, which includes a registration property number 6600 located in Sucina, Murcia. It is a detached house with plot. The construction is finished according to the performing party. The plot has a polygonal shape and is located in the Partial Plan of Sector ZU-Sn5 in Sucina, Murcia. The cadastral address is CL PERALEJA VIAL 6 Pl 00 Pt 01 PARCELA M24.23, 30590, Sucina MURCIA. The area of the plot is 260 m2. In the estate is under construction a one-family housing type H of project, called ROMERA, which consists of a plant and occupies an area of 78 m2. The house is distributed in several rooms and services, has a fireplace integrated into the living room, as well as a swimming pool that includes filling, filtering, lighting and shower equipment.
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