This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 239629L1, which includes a property registered under number 35759 in the Port of Mazarrón. It is a house of type C, located on the ground floor of a block that is part of a set of buildings in Mazarrón, in the diputations of Moreras and Saladares and Juncal, in the fate of Castellar del Puerto de Mazarrón. The cadastral address is CL ESTRIBOR-CASTELLAR I 4 Es:01 Pl:00 Pt:C E/P/P/ 1/00/C, C.P. 30860 MAZARRON. The house has a constructed area of 60.80 m2 and is the local number TREINTA AND DOS within the complex of buildings. The participation coefficient on the block is 10.38 % and on the whole total is 4.30%.
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