This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 228993L1, which consists of a registered estate number 42458. It is a plot of 1,628.00 m2 located in La Hoya - Lorca. The detailed description of the land is as follows: it is a plot of building land in the Diputación de La Hoya, belonging to the border of Lorca and intended for use indicated in the Tercia 4-1 Partial Plan of the P.G.O.M. of Lorca. The cadastral address is AV ANDRES NAVARRO DE HARO 4(4) P-4-4 TERCIA 4-I, C.P. 30816, La Hoya - Lorca. The plot has a surface area of 1,628.00 m2 and its boundaries are as follows: to the north with vials, to the south with the plot M4-5, to the east with vials and to the west with the plot M4-5. The share of share in the division is 1.50% and the share in the horizontal division is 1.371%. As for the procedure of the auction, it is carried out through a process organized by an agency of the Spanish government. Those interested in participating must follow the instructions and requirements established to be able to bid for the property. It is important to bear in mind that the rules and conditions laid down for the auction must be respected, as well as to make tenders within the specified time limits and forms. Once the auction process is complete, the bidder who has offered the highest amount will become the new owner of the plot.
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