This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 238248L1, which includes a log farm number 8817. It is a flat located in the neighborhood of San Antonio Abad, in Cartagena. The house is under construction and corresponds to the URBAN TREINT AND SIETE NUMBER. It is a house on the first floor without counting the ground floor or class, type D, with facade to the west or street Zafiro and access by door four. It is located in the Mediterranean urbanization, Diputación de San Antonio Abad, in the municipality of Cartagena. The cadastral address is CL ZAFIRO - SAN ANTON 6 Es:1 Pl:01 Pt:DR E/P/ 1/01/DR, C.P. 30205 CARTAGENA. The house consists of different dependencies and has a useful area of 86.78 m2. The quota is 1.125%.
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