This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 236180L1, with land registration 32868. It is a commercial space of 60.64 m2 located in Águilas. The place is located on the ground floor of the property marked with the number 25 of Ramón y Cajal street, on the right side of it if you look from the street, with access through a door from Ramón y Cajal street. It has a useful area of 60.64 m2, composed of a single nave, with borders: to the right when entering, Andrés López Peralta; to the left, the farm number two; and to the back, Miguel Lorenzo Robles and Andrés López Peralta. The possible cadastral reference is 5112513XG2451C0003IS. The cadastral address is CL RAMON Y CAJAL 25 Pl:00 Pt:0C e/p/p/ /00/0C, 30880 AGUILAS. According to the cadastre, this place would occupy 32 m2.
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