This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 239540L27, Finca registral 54680. It is an apartment located in the Urbanización Los Collados Golf de Águilas, specifically at BATCH 27 ( BEFORE BATCH 45). The apartment is of type G2, it is located on the ground floor of BLOQUE XI in the PARCELA C or PHASE 3 of the Urbanización Los Collados Golf. The cadastral address is UR COLLADOS ZIESCHANG, LOS 40 Es:G Pl:00 Pt:G2 C.P. 30889 AGUILAS, COLLADOS WEISS. The constructed area is 60 m2 and is distributed in several dependencies and services. In addition, it has a garden of 26.80 m2 that is not included in the mentioned area. The share in the total set of buildings of this phase is 1.3%. The auction procedure implies that interested parties must submit a written economic offer indicating the price offered by the property. This offer must be delivered in closed envelope and will open in public. The highest bidder will be the one who gets the award of the apartment. It is important to note that there are certain conditions and requirements that must be met to participate in the auction, so it is advisable to be informed in detail before making any offer.
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