This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 239540L01, which includes an apartment with garage space in the Urbanización Los Collados Golf de Águilas. The apartment is of type A-1, located on the ground floor of Block I in the Plot C or Phase 3 of the Urbanization Los Collados Golf. It has a constructed area of 60 m2 and is distributed in several dependencies and services. In addition, it has a garden of 26 m2 that is not included in the mentioned area. The cadastral address is UR COLLADOS ZIESCHANG, LOS 40 Es:1 Pl:00 Pt:A1 C.P. 30889 AGUILAS, COLLADOS WEISS. The apartment includes a surface parking space, marked with the number thirty, with direct access from the street A through a common area. The total share of buildings in this phase is 1.14%.
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