This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 239065L1, which includes a registered estate 31864. It is a plot of 409 m2 located on the beach of Hornillo, Águilas. The plot of land is suitable for construction and has an area of 409,25 m2, with an irregular shape. It is located in the Diputación del Campo, Águilas. According to the Electronic Headquarters of the Cadastre, the exact address is Gustavo Gillman Street 1(B), floor 30880 Eagles. The boundaries of the property are as follows: to the north, a line of 10.85 meters that limits with the rest of the parent estate from which it was segmented; to the south, a line of 29.70 meters that faces the street of the Urbanization; to the east, the street of the Urbanization; and to the west, a line of 20.00 meters that borders with the rest of the parent estate from which it was segmented.
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