This real estate auction corresponds to lot 238895L07, which includes a registered estate 55907. It is a flat with parking space in the Urbanización Los Collados Zieschang, phase II, in Águilas. Lot 7 consists of a 50th department, located in the Urbanización Los Collados Zieschang Phase II. The cadastral address is UR. ZIESCHANG, 16, Phase II, Block 30 It's:8 Pl:03 Pt:37, C.P. 30889 COLLADOS WEISS - AGULAS. The main access is through an open door to the passage and distribution area of the block, and the apartment consists of living room-kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and front terrace, with a useful area of 49.70 m2. In addition, a parking space with the number fifty is included, located in the basement floor of Block 4, with a useful area of approximately 9.90 m2. The quota is 0.80%.
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