This real estate auction corresponds to a commercial venue on the 1598 estate located on Calle Felipe II 8 BIS, Es:3 Pl:0 Pt:5 in Parla, Madrid. It is a commercial venue number five, located on the ground floor of the portal three of a building in Parla, Community of Madrid. The premises has a constructed area of approximately 128.04 m2 and a useful area of approximately 111.10 m2. As for the border points, the commercial premises close by its front, where it has its access, with Calle Felipe II, to the right entering with the local number 7, to the left with the portal of access to the houses, and to the back with an apple patio. The share of ownership of this facility is 2.59% and the cadastral reference is 5146604VK3554N0016QH. The auction procedure implies that the commercial premises are in full control and will be auctioned to the highest bidder, following the regulations and regulations established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Those interested in participating in the auction must comply with the requirements and procedures established by the organizing entity in order to be able to make their offers by the aforementioned commercial venue in Parla, Madrid.
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