This real estate auction corresponds to the house number two hundred eight, located in Las Rozas de Madrid, on Calle Camino del Tomillarón number 59 Portal 5. The house is a flat on the second floor, with a constructed area of one hundred and twenty-six meters and fourteen square decimeter. It consists of entrance hall, living room, kitchen with clothesline, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and terrace. Its boundaries are the corridor of distribution, the second letter C dwelling of the same portal, flight over terrace-garden and common areas. In addition, this house has a fourth storage room number seventy-eight, located on the basement floor, with a useful area of approximately three meters and ninety-six square decimeter. The storage room is adjacent to the distribution corridor, another storage room, the staircase and a parking space. The procedure of the real estate auction implies that the house and the storage room are offered for public sale through a bid, where the interested parties present their economic offers and the highest is awarded the good. The share of participation in housing is 0.6399%. It is important to follow the instructions and requirements established by the government agency in charge of the auction to participate correctly in the process of acquiring these properties.
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