This real estate auction corresponds to the property registration number 132,527, registered in folio 212, volume 2.239, book 1.725, registration 5a of the Property Registry number 2 of Orihuela. It is a ground floor bungalow, number 100, of Block UNO, Mediterranean model, type B, located in the municipality of Orihuela, in the residential commute called "PARCELA T", on plot 18 (T) of Sector K-l "Time Free". The property has a built area of 49.62 square meters, distributed in living room-kitchen, distributor, two bedrooms and bathroom. In addition, it has a solarium on the deck of 39 square meters, which is accessed by external staircase, a 8.2 square meters terrace, a patio of 3,85 square meters and a garden front of 17.31 square meters. As for the borders, on entering there are bungalows number 101 to the right, 99 to the left and 91 to the bottom, while on the front is the road of the whole located to the West. The share of the property is 0.90%. The procedure of the real estate auction involves the public bid of the property, where the interested parties must submit an economic offer in writing and compete with other bidders to acquire the property. The auction is conducted in accordance with the regulations and regulations established by the government agency in charge of the auction, ensuring transparency and legality in the sale process.
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