This real estate auction refers to a property located in Orihuela, in Calle Alfonso XIII number twenty-two. It is an undivided part consisting of the exclusive use of storage room number six, which has a measure of one meter and fifty decimeters of façade for three meters thirty-four centimeters of background, equivalent to five meters and a square decmeter. The storage room is adjacent to the storage room number five on the right, the storage room number seven on the left, a building wall on the back and a passing area on the front. This storage room is part of a basement space intended for parking spaces and/or storage rooms, which has a useful area of three hundred eighty-five square meters and a constructed area of four hundred and twenty-five square meters. The auction procedure involves the sale of this eleventh undivided part of storage room number six, being a full property. Those interested in participating in the auction should follow the instructions provided by the government agency responsible for the auction, comply with the requirements and provide the necessary guarantees. Once the auction has been concluded, the highest bidder will be the successful tenderer of the property, having to comply with the corresponding payments and formalize the deed of sale.
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