This real estate auction includes a parking space located on Calle Faisa 2, Escalera 1, Planta -1, Puerta 07, Postal Code 03700, Denia, Alicante. This is an open parking area for vehicles, marked with number 7, on the semi-basement floor of a building located in the Partida de Bovetes Nord, on plot 103, Polígono 6, in the municipality of Denia, Alicante. The area of the parking space is 12,50 m2. The quota within the semi-basement floor is 2.40% and with respect to the total of the building is 0.71%. The boundaries of the parking space are as follows: front, access area for vehicles; right, open parking area number 6; left, open parking area number 8; and bottom, with the subsoil of the generals of the property.
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