This real estate auction corresponds to a house of type D, located on the second floor of a building on the street Architect Gaudí, number one, in Castellón. The house has a useful surface of forty-nine meters eighty-six square decimeter and built fifty-six meters forty-two square decimeter. When looking at the façade, on the right there is a house of type F, landing floor and stairwell; on the left is the block La Salera and on the bottom another house of type F and landing floor. In addition, it includes a fourth storage room of 4.68 square meters in the basement, marked with the number four. The share for profits and charges is six integers sixty-two hundredths per cent. The access to the house is independent by a door that leads to the landing of the floor, through the staircase and the elevator of common use that depart from the portal Zaguán located to the right of the facade of the street Architect Gaudí. The procedure of the real estate auction involves the bidding of the interested parties for the acquisition of the property, following the regulations and conditions established by the government agency in charge of the auction. Participants must make economic offers that meet the minimum requirements established and, once the bidding process is completed, the property will be awarded to the bidder who has offered the best bid within the established parameters.
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