This real estate auction organized by the Spanish government agency includes two houses located in Tarragona. The first house is located on Avenida Cataluña and Rovira i Virgili, number 27 - 29, Escalera A, 1o - 1a. The second house is also located in Tarragona, in the same direction of Avenida Cataluña and Rovira i Virgili, number 27 - 29, Escalera A, 1o - 1a. The auction procedure implies that interested parties submit their offers of purchase in writing to the offices of the responsible body. Tenders must comply with the established requirements and shall be opened in the presence of a notary to ensure the transparency of the process. Once the auction is complete, the highest bid will be the winner and the buyer will have to proceed with the corresponding legal procedures to complete the purchase of the property.
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