This real estate auction corresponds to the house number five, letter B, located on the top floor of the building in Salou, on the Highway of the Costa number sixty. The house has a constructed area of sixty-eight square meters, with a useful interior area of sixty meters and three square decimeter. It is distributed in a hall, kitchen, dining room - living room, distributor, two bedrooms-bedroom and a bathroom. In addition, it has a balcony on its West façade that has an area of nine meters and thirty-two square decimeter. The procedure of the real estate auction organized by the Spanish government agency consists in offering for sale this house located in Salou through a public auction process. Those interested in participating must comply with the requirements laid down by the body, such as registering in advance, presenting an economic guarantee and following the rules of the auction. During the auction, participants will be able to bid for the house, increasing the established base price. Once the auction is concluded, the house will be awarded to the highest bidder who has made the highest bid and who meets the conditions established by the agency. It is important to carefully follow the instructions and regulations of the auction to participate adequately and opt for the acquisition of ownership.
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