Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of residential property in Sabadell, district Barcelona

starting price: € 226732
area: N/A

This real estate auction corresponds to an urban dwelling located in the registered property number 20,284, registered in the Property Registry 2 of Sabadell, volume 3848, book 1626, folio 56. The property in question is a property intended for residential use. As for the auction procedure, it is being organised by a Spanish government agency, which has made this property available for auction. Those interested in participating in the auction shall follow the procedures established by the body, which shall include the submission of required documentation, the deposit of a bond and compliance with the legal requirements for participating in the auction. During the auction, participants will be able to make their offers for the urban housing described, following the indications and regulations established by the agency in charge. Once the auction has been concluded, the highest bidder shall be the successful tenderer of the property and shall proceed to formalize the purchase as set out in the terms of the auction. It is important that those interested in participating in this real estate auction should be informed in detail about the conditions, deadlines and requirements established by the organising body, in order to ensure adequate participation and comply with all the necessary procedures for the acquisition of the property.

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