This real estate auction corresponds to the property registration number 8.404 of the Property Registry number 2 of Rubí, with cadastral reference 9842011DF1994S0001MQ. The property belongs in full control to JUAN Quesada Ballesteros and MARIA TERESA ROMAN MUÑOZ. It is an urban estate consisting of a house located on the ground floors, first door, on the left when entering the back of the ground floor, of the house number five of Calle Junceda de Rubí. The auction procedure will involve the bidding of this property, where interested parties can participate by submitting their economic offers. The auction will be regulated by the competent body of the Spanish government, which will oversee the entire process to ensure its transparency and legality. Participants must comply with the requirements set out to be able to bid for the property in question, and the steps set to determine the winning bidder will be followed. It is important that those interested in participating in this real estate auction are aware of the conditions and terms of the auction, as well as of the obligations they will acquire if they become winners. The property described shall be awarded to the bidder who submits the highest bid and complies with all the conditions stipulated in the auction process.
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