This real estate auction consists of the sale of a duplex house located in the building in Rosselló, calle Major, 94, 96, 98, 100 and 102, cornered by calle Unió, with access by the staircase 3. The house, identified as number one hundred and thirty-nine, is distributed on the second floor and under cover, with a total useful area of 110.37 square meters. The second floor occupies 51.21 square meters, while the lower floor covers 59.16 square meters, both floors being connected by an internal staircase. The house consists of several rooms or outbuildings, as well as a terrace on the back of the second floor. The house is accessed from the sixth door. The location of the building in a central area with good connections makes it an attractive property for potential buyers. The auction procedure shall include the submission of tenders by interested parties, followed by an award process to the bidder with the best economic offer. Transparency and legality in the auction process are ensured by being organized by a government agency. Those interested in participating in the auction shall follow the detailed instructions of the body to ensure a valid and competitive participation.
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