This real estate auction corresponds to the Finca 2431 of MIRALCAMP, which consists of a house located on the number one floor, door number four, of a building under construction in the street PRAT DE LA RIBA, number thirty-eight, corner with Pompeu Fabra street, with access by the staircase of the unique portal of the same one in front of the street of Prat de la Riba. The useful interior area of the house is seventy square meters, plus two square meters corresponding to a terrace or balcony. A parking space marked with the order number FOUR, located on the underground floor or basement of the building, and a fourth storage room marked with the order number SIETE, located on the floor under cover or "golf" or "atico" floor of the same building, are included as inseparable annexes. The auction procedure implies that this property, along with others, is being auctioned by a Spanish government agency. Stakeholders should follow the steps established by the organising entity to participate in the auction, including the submission of required documentation, compliance with established requirements and the making of an economic offer. Once the auction has been concluded, the highest bidder will be the successful tenderer of the property, having to comply with the payments and formalities necessary to formalize the purchase.
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