This real estate auction includes a storage room located on Calle Ciutat de Lleida, number 8-12, in Pont de Suert, Lleida. This storage room, designated as number T-5, is located in the basement -2 floor of the building and has a constructed area of 21.28 square meters. It is bordered by the T-6 storage room in front, with a wall on the right, with parking space number 18 on the left and another wall on the back. This storage room represents 1.77% of entity number forty-two. The cadastral reference of this property is 42776B3CG1947N0112XF. The procedure of the real estate auction organized by the Spanish government agency consists of several steps. First, the auction call is published with the detailed description of the goods to be auctioned, as in this case the storeroom mentioned. Subsequently, a period of time is established during which interested parties can submit their offers in writing, in compliance with the requirements established by the organising entity. Once the deadline for submission of tenders has expired, the tenders are opened in a public event revealing the proposals received. The good is awarded to the bidder who has submitted the highest bid, provided that it meets the conditions set out in the auction basis. Finally, the sale is formalized by signing a contract and paying the agreed price, thus ensuring the legal transfer of the property to the new owner.
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