This real estate auction refers to a registration property number 27933 registered in the Registry of the Property of Talavera de la Reina 1, in volume 1712, book 748, folio 193. The property is duly registered by means of seats number 10, 12 and assigned number 13. The housing situation is a third located on the 3rd Street in Talavera de la Reina. The property at auction is an attic. As regards the auction procedure, it shall be carried out through the entity designated by the competent public body, in this case, the Spanish Government. Those interested in participating must comply with the requirements laid down, such as presenting a guarantee to participate in the auction. The bidding process shall be conducted in a transparent manner and in accordance with existing regulations. Once the auction is completed, the winning bidder must complete the necessary procedures for the acquisition of the property, such as the payment of the final price and the formalization of the public deed of sale.
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