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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of residential property in Ciutadella de Menorca, district Balears

starting price: € 284215
area: N/A

This real estate auction corresponds to an urban estate registered in the Registry of the Property of Ciutadella de Menorca, with the number 4231 and registration matrix 32425. It has assigned the unique registration code number 07007000339720, taken from volume 1928, book 800, folio 158, inscription 3, dated 10/03/2009. It is located on the second floor, door five-B, of a property located in Calle Camí de Maó numbers 111 to 115 of Ciutadella de Menorca. The finca is composed of the second floor and the ground floor deck communicated by an internal staircase, destined for housing with several dependencies and services. It has a constructed area of 82.05 square meters and a terrace of 39.05 square meters. As for borders, in front it borders with Calle Domingo Savio, on the right with the cadastral estate number 2287122EE7228N, on the left with entity number 25 and the elevator, on the bottom with a common landscaped area, below with entity number 21 and above with the roof of the building. The participation coefficient is 4,4255%. It is the item number 26 of order in this property.

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