This real estate auction offers a property located in the Regular 35530 Finca, on 39 Tintes Street, -1 G3 in Vera, Almería. This is a basement parking, part of a building in Vera with entrance to San Ramón Street. The parking has a useful area of 11.45 m2 and has common areas of 36.33 m2. The parking lot is adjacent to the front with a traffic and traffic area, to the right with parking number two, to the left with parking number four and to the back with the basement of the street of the Tintes. The property is offered 100% in full domain. The auction procedure implies that interested parties must register and present a guarantee to participate. During the auction, tenders will be made until a sales price is reached. Once the auction has been completed, the highest bidder will be awarded the property, having to make the corresponding payment to complete the transaction.
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