This real estate auction corresponds to a house located on Calle de Isabel La Católica in the city of Vera. The property is registered in the Property Registry of Vera, book 210, volume 1046, folio 1, finca 3,158, inscription 15a. The house consists of twelve high and low rooms occupying approximately three hundred square meters. In addition, it has an extension destined to pens with an area of three hundred thirty-four square meters. The property is numbered number seven on the aforementioned street and adjoins Francisco Cervantes to the right, heirs of Francisco Segura to the left and the Caves of the Cantarerias to the back, which are located below the Cabezo de Buenavista. The procedure for the real estate auction organised by the Spanish government agency includes the public bid for the property described above. Those interested in participating in the auction must comply with the requirements established by the body, such as making a pre-deposit and submitting the necessary documentation. During the auction, participants will be able to bid for the property, being awarded to the highest bidder. Once the auction is concluded, the sale and the corresponding payment by the winner will be formalized.
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