This real estate auction consists of the sale of a house in Roquetas de Mar. It is a house located on the first level, with entrance through portal 1, with a constructed area of 91.20 square meters. The property is registered in the Property Register number 1 of Roquetas de Mar, in volume 2592, book 755, folio 108, Finca 49,484. The house is priced for the auction at 235,800 euros. The auction procedure implies that the interested parties submit their economic offers in writing in a closed envelope, in compliance with the requirements established by the body responsible for the auction. Subsequently, the envelopes will be opened and the housing will be awarded to the bidder who has made the highest offer. It is important that auction participants be aware of all conditions and terms established for the sale of the property, as well as of the deadlines and requirements to be met for participation in the auction process.
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