This real estate auction features a B-type house on the first floor of a building on the Algaida canal, with south facade to Luis Buñuel Street in Roquetas de Mar. The house has a useful area of 66.55 m2, built of 73.70 m2 and with proportional share in common areas of 83.51 m2. Its borders are to the north a corridor distributor and patio of lights, to the south patio of lights, portal of entrance and street Luis Buñuel, to the east house type C of the same floor and patio of lights, and to the west corridor distributor and portal of entrance. As an annex, parking space number 13 is included in the basement, with a useful area of 9.95 m2, built of 9.95 m2 and with proportional share in common areas of 22,13 m2. This square is adjacent to the North and West with access road, to the South with parking spaces numbers 11 and 12, and to the East with parking space number ten. The auction process involves following the indications provided by the government agency in charge of the auction, submitting tenders in an appropriate manner and complying with the requirements established to participate in the bid for this property.
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