This real estate auction corresponds to a storage room located in Mijas, Malaga. It is a storage room in basement-2 of block 2 of the farm number 426. The constructed area, including a proportion of common elements, is approximately 6.84 m2, with a quota of 0.025%. The cadastral reference is 6517101UF4461N0426GX. The cadastral address is Calle Músicos de Riviera 3, staircase 2, floor -2, door 55, in the urbanization Terrazas del Sol, 29649 Mijas (Málaga). According to the cadastre, the constructed area is 16 m2, of which 6 m2 correspond to common elements. The auction procedure implies that the interested parties must pre-register and present a guarantee to participate. During the auction, bids will be made and the good will be awarded to the bidder offering the highest amount. Once the auction is concluded, the sale will be formalized by a contract and payment of the agreed price. It is important to bear in mind that there are regulations and deadlines established by the agency in charge of the auction, which in this case is the Spanish government.
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