This real estate auction corresponds to a house located on Tr Street. Las Huertas 4, 2o i, in Pamplona, specifically in the Barrio Rochapea. It is a flat on the second left floor of the house of the center of the building, in a street without name that connects to the street Joaquín Beunza, currently identified with the number FOUR of the TRAVESE LAS HUERTAS, in the jurisdiction of Pamplona. The house has a useful surface extension of seventy-three meters with seventy-nine square decimeter, distributed in a hallway, hallway, three bedrooms, dining room-lounge, kitchen and toilet. It is classified as type B and adjoins to the right entering with the right floor and to the left with the floor... The procedure for the real estate auction organised by the Spanish government agency includes the submission of tenders by the interested parties, who must comply with the established requirements and deposit a guarantee. During the auction, the bids of the participants will be received and the property will be awarded to the highest bidder, provided that it meets the established conditions. Upon completion of the auction, the purchase contract will be signed and the final price of the property paid.
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