This real estate auction presents a house located on Calle Doctor Antonio Simonena, 2 - 3o D in Pamplona (Navarra). It is a third floor of type B, with a constructed area of 87.80 square meters and a useful area of 70.38 square meters. The internal layout of the house includes a lobby, a hallway, a dining room, three bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Regarding the boundaries, the house adjoins the front with the stairwell and the patio, on the right with the house number 4 on the same street, on the left with the house C, and on the back with the street of Doctor Antonio Simonena. The property is located in a central location and boasts several amenities in its surroundings. The auction process involves following the instructions provided by the government agency in charge, submitting the required documentation and participating in the bid in compliance with established regulations.
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