This real estate auction includes Lot 2, which consists of a 9153 registered estate in Pamplona, which contains a parking space number thirty-nine, located in basement two of the building on Avenida de Pamplona number thirty-seven, in Pamplona. The parking space has a useful area of twenty-four meters and eighteen square decimeter, including the proportional part on the roads and ramps. Its boundaries are: to the front, rolling area; to the right, garage square 0; to the left, garage square 38; and to the back, unbuilt area of the plot on that floor. The share in common building elements is one hundred thousandths of whole percent (0.100%). The exact location is in polygon 4, plot 2764, sub-urban area 1, urban unit 187. The auction procedure includes the submission of written tenders, which must meet certain legal requirements, such as the deposit of a guarantee. Tenders shall be opened in the presence of a notary and the lot shall be awarded to the highest bidder. It is important to bear in mind that there are specific deadlines and conditions for participating in the auction, as well as possible charges or debts associated with the property that the buyer will have to assume.
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