This real estate auction corresponds to the Registro Finca 3824 de Milagro, registered in Volume 2049 Book 110 Folio 135 with the 3rd Registration in the Registry of the Property of Tafalla. It is the plot 519 of polygon 2 in the Cadastre. The property is accurately detailed in the corresponding records and is available for auction. The procedure for the real estate auction organised by the Spanish government agency includes the publication of the auction call in the Official Gazette of the State (BOE) and on the official website of the entity. Interested parties must comply with the requirements set out to participate in the auction, such as making a prior deposit as a guarantee. During the auction, participants can make their bids face-to-face on the date and place indicated, or also telematically through the platform enabled for this purpose. The property will be awarded to the bidder who makes the highest bid, provided that it meets all the established conditions. Once the auction is completed, the sale will be formalized, where the buyer will have to pay the total purchase amount and sign the corresponding documentation for the transfer of the property. It is important to bear in mind that the acquisition of a property at a public auction implies the fulfilment of certain legal deadlines and obligations, so it is advisable to have specialized advice.
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