This real estate auction corresponds to a registered property located in Milagro, registered in Volume 2049 Book 110 Folio 155 with the 3rd Registration in the Registry of the Property of Tafalla. It is the plot 557 of polygon 2 of the Cadastre. The property in question is detailed with great precision, indicating its exact location and registration in both the Land Registry and the Property Registry. As for the auction procedure, organized by a Spanish government agency, it will be carried out in accordance with the regulations and regulations established for this type of process. Those interested in participating should follow the steps indicated by the organising entity, which may include the submission of documentation, the deposit of a bond, among other requirements. It is important that potential buyers be aware of the dates and deadlines set for the auction, as well as the terms of the auction. Transparency and legality are fundamental aspects of this type of event, ensuring that the process is carried out in a fair and equitable manner for all participants.
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