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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Rural property

Auction sale of rural property property in Milagro, district Navarra

starting price: € 8041
area: N/A

This real estate auction corresponds to the Registral property 121 de Milagro, registered in Volume 2049 Book 110 Folio 170 Registration 9 of the Registry of the Property of Tafalla. It is the plot 586 of polygon 2 of the Cadastre. The auction property is located in a residential area of Milagro, with easy access to services and amenities. The procedure for the real estate auction organized by the Spanish government agency begins with the publication of the call in the Official State Gazette and on the official website of the agency. Interested parties must comply with the requirements for participating in the auction, such as providing an economic guarantee and being aware of their tax obligations. During the auction, participants may make economic offers for the property in question. The bid is carried out in a public and transparent manner, with a system of minimum increases for each offer. Once the auction is over, the bidder who has made the highest bid becomes the new owner of the estate. It is important to note that the real estate auction process is governed by specific regulations that guarantee the legality and transparency of the transaction. The full details of the property, as well as the conditions of the auction, are available to all those interested in participating in the acquisition process of Milagro's Registral 121 Finca.

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