This real estate auction refers to the number one hundred and seventeen, which consists of a fourth floor C destined to house located hand front-left exiting from the elevator on the fourth upper floor of the portal 6 in the East Block. As associated elements, it includes a 140th parking space located on the basement floor on level 2 under the rasante, and a 126th storage room located on the basement floor on level 2 under the rasante. The apartment is located in the above building and is intended for residential use. The auction procedure implies that this property is offered for sale through a public bid organised by the relevant government agency. Those interested in acquiring this property must participate in the auction, presenting their bids at a public event where the sale will be awarded to the bidder offering the highest amount. It is important to follow the instructions and requirements established by the organizing entity to participate in the auction and to be able to opt for the purchase of this apartment with garage space and storage room included.
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