This real estate auction presents lot number twenty-four, consisting of a first floor D destined for housing. The apartment is located on the left hand side exiting the elevator on the first upper floor of Gate 2 in the West Block. In addition, as attached elements linked to this property, is included a 35th garage space located in the basement floor on level 1 under the rasante, as well as a 24th storage room also located in the basement floor on level 1 under the rasante. As regards the auction procedure, those interested in participating must comply with the requirements established by the government auctioning body. A transparent and regulated process shall be carried out where tenderers may make their tenders in person or telematics. Once the auction is concluded, the good will be awarded to the bidder who has made the highest bid, provided that it meets the stipulated conditions. It is important to bear in mind that the payment of the property must be made within the time limits set in order to avoid the loss of the award.
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