This real estate auction presents a house located on Calle Fray Diego De Estella, number 38, 4o A, in Estella. It is a flat in room A of the first block of the house in the city of Estella, with a constructed area of 94.48 square meters and a useful area of 74.79 square meters. The distribution of the house includes kitchen, dining room, four bedrooms, toilet room and distribution corridor. Access to the house is made from Fray Diego Street, through the portal and the staircase of the block to which it belongs. As for the auction procedure, it is organised by a Spanish government agency. Those interested in participating in the auction must comply with the requirements, submit the required documentation and make the corresponding deposit. During the auction, the different properties available will be presented, such as this house in Estella, and the participants will be able to make their offers. At the end of the auction, the property will be awarded to the bidder who has made the highest bid, who must complete the payment and fulfill the necessary formalities to formalize the purchase.
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