This real estate auction corresponds to lot number 240834L1, which includes a duplex with two parking spaces on Avda. Juan de Borbón, near the Rotonda de Los Cubos in Murcia. The property is registered under number 47024 and is the usual dwelling of the defendants. This is a department number thirteen, a single family home located in the cadastral direction CL RIO ZUMETA 5 Pl:00 RES. DOOR OF MURCIA C.P. 30110 MURCIA. The duplex is part of a set of buildings and consists of ground floor and upper floor connected by an interior staircase. It has a porch in front of 10.44 m2, a garden of 20.8 m2 and a covered terrace on the ground floor of 12 m2. The total useful area is 156.79 m2. In addition, the house includes a closed space on the semi-basement floor intended for parking, connected to the house through an internal staircase. This space includes parking spaces number twenty-five and twenty-six, with a useful area of 47.49 m2.
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